Afscme Free College Course Grid. Ad build your career in healthcare, data science, web development, business, marketing & more. 6 hours ago the afscme free college benefit.
As long as your file is complete, the afscme free college All incoming students at egcc are required to take a succeeding in college course for credit, and that course is also offered during the summer to give new students a head start. Enrollment for the june 1 session is now open.
Whether you’re just starting college, enhancing your skills, changing careers, or looking for classes to enrich your life, we have a place for you in one of our program’s participating schools.
The union plus free college benefit covers any amount for tuition, fees, or books that is not covered by federal or employer education grants. Enrollment for the june 1 session is now open. The free college program is offered by unions to members and family members in partnership with eastern gateway community college, central state university, and franklin university. It’s afscme’s mission to give you every advantage to get ahead.