Are Reese's Pieces Miniatures Gluten Free. Reese's pieces peanut butter candy, bulk gluten free, 9.9 oz, resealable bags (8 count) Reese, owner of the h.b.

And, yes, reese’s pieces and many other reese’s products are gluten free. These peanut butter cookies with reese's pieces candy are gluten free. Possibly they update them a lot, maybe they did.
Just make sure you check the packaging to confirm particular products as certified.
Goodbar, payday , reeses , hersheys kisses, milk duds, and twizzlers. They are oblate spheroid in shape and covered in candy shells that are colored yellow, orange, or brown. Those customer represetntatives apparantly have no clue what they are talking about!! As i stated earlier though, cross contamination is always on my mind for my friends with celiac disease.