Free Chlorine Vs Total Chlorine Pool. Another way to figure the combined chlorine level is to subtract the total chlorine level from free chlorine level, provided the total chlorine is higher than the free chlorine. Well, there’s more than one type of pool chlorine and the key to pool cleaning is understanding the difference between free chlo.
Chlorine levels should stay between 1.0 and 3.0 ppm. This is what is almost always used to shock a pool. This ensures that your pool will be sanitized and optimum for use, without the irritating effects of too much chlorine.
Free chlorine, combined chlorine, and total chlorine can be easily understood with the following equation:
Combined chlorine and total chlorine. To understand the differences between free, combined and total chlorine, first take a look at this simple formula: Combined chlorine is the 3rd form of chlorine in your pool. Runbo 7 in 1 pool & spa quality testing strips;