Frost Free Hydrant Leaking. They should also be angled down slightly so water runs out of it when shut. You will need two pipe wrenches, probably 24s, to hold backup and unscrew the top from the pipe stand.

If you don't have a good backup hold, you could damage the connections underground. How do i stop my frost free hydrant from leaking? When a yard hydrant begins to leak and dribble water, the standard repair involves extracting the pump rod and replacing the plunger, which restores the hydrant's ability to seal off the water flow.
In some cases, you can fix this by simply tightening the retaining nut that’s under the handle.
I noticed the ground around my hydrant stays wet all the time now. Assuming all goes well, your hydrant shouldn’t be leaking. Apply new plumber's tape to the threads, then screw the hydrant head onto the standpipe. In some cases, you can fix this by simply tightening the retaining nut that's under the handle.