How To Make A Hidden Cat Litter Box. These flushable boxes can easily be made out of cardboard and other household items. The result is a tidy hidden litter box that offers your cat some privacy, keeps the litter out of sight (and away from your nostrils) and contains all the mess.

The result is a tidy hidden litter box that offers your cat some privacy, keeps the litter out of sight (and away from your nostrils) and contains all the mess. Diy cat litter box furniture for the home or office. There’s no chance of litter spilling out onto the floor and when it’s time to empty the tray, simply pull out the bottom drawer.
If you are handy around the house, watch this video for a great idea on how to build a cat litter container yourself.
Cut out the top of the box, then take a piece of cardboard & cut it like a circle like shown in the picture above; But how do you keep the cat from tracking litter all over. While you could probably get away with a smaller opening, we have an extra large cat litter box with a cover on the inside so it needed to be rather big. Now, you can easily hide your cat’s litter box with this genius diy.