Is Blue Gatorade Gluten Free. Gatorade offers numerous products, but are they vegan? Not only does the company have to list on the label that it’s gluten free, but you’re even safer if it says “certified gluten free”.

As always, read labels and allergen warnings to be sure. Lyteshow electrolyte concentrate for rapid rehydration: I was eating swedish fish.alot and drinking alot of these sports drinks and i get bad cysts/rash on back, face and neck.
I was surprised to learn that gatorade is lactose free, gluten free, and sulphite free.
If you are highly sensitive and react to less than 20ppm of gluten, we suggest you drink another beverage. Went to dermatologist, went off the 2 ingredients completely and started to heal. Gatorade offers numerous products, but are they vegan? Otherwise, there’s a chance that it is indeed manufactured in a plant that also manufactures glutened foods.