Is Malt Flavor Gluten Free. Some who are allergic to wheat may also not be able to tolerate barley, so be sure to exercise caution if that’s the case. Malt flavoring is found in a wide variety of products.

I can't remember the product, but recently somebody on another forum picked up a product that said gluten free and was appalled to see malt flavoring listed. The bad news is their response: As shelley case, an international gf expert writes “barley malt extract or barley malt flavoring is almost always declared as “barley malt extract” or “barley malt flavoring”.
I wrote to the company again and this time did get a response, promptly.
As of may 28, 2018 they remained on store shelves. Ingredients made from malt include malt flavoring, malt syrup and malt extract, none of which are currently considered gluten free. The word “malt” on a food label usually indicates that there is gluten in the product. But unless you see the words wheat, barley, rye, or malt on the label of food product containing natural flavor, the natural flavor probably does not.