Is Black Barley Gluten Free. However, be on the lookout for hidden gluten in whiskeys that add flavorings or other additives after distillation. Black barley is the only grain that can go from field to table without being processed.

Most whiskeys are safe for people with celiac disease because of the distillation process. Barley's daily need coverage for fiber is 67% higher. Barleycup is no longer gluten free.
Home / gluten free / black nile barley black nile barley black nile barley is packed with high antioxidant levels proudly displayed in it’s black, or rather, dark purple color.
Sorry to bring you the bad news. These beers start with a recipe that contains grains with gluten such as malted barley, wheat, and/or rye. Black barley is the only grain that can go from field to table without being processed. They belong to a completely different branch of the plant kingdom (gentianales), which are flowering plants.